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Are Your Students Learning? Deconstructing Course Assessment - Sparkshop


This Foundation of College Teaching Sparkshop is lead by Kelli Munns.

This sparkshop will focus on the basics of assessment and how we measure learning. These concepts will help guide you as you develop course exams with tools like Atomic Assessments

This Sparkshop will be paired with the Atomic Assessment Session by CIDI on October 21st at 1:30pm. This Sparkshop will give the theory, and the CIDI workshop will give practical strategies for implementation.

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

A New Normal in Inclusive, Usable Online Learning Experiences


One consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic has been more students accessing content remotely, without access to the technology and other resources available on campus. Students from underrepresented groups have been disproportionately affected, something that is not unique to COVID, of course. However, this crisis has provided opportunities to create a new normal of inclusive content delivery, where focusing on the needs of students from the margins will benefit all students.

Providing usable and accessible content through online learning management systems is a challenge, but there are ways forward. For this seminar, we will discuss two specific accessibility practices that provide a model for delivering more inclusive and usable instructional materials: (1) conversion of PDF Content to HTML Content and (2) creating captions for instructional videos.

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm | Distance Education Building |




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