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April 18 - 24, 2021

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Virtual Naloxone Training


FREE Registration: https://bit.ly/troi_naloxone
Virtual naloxone training - learn how to correctly use naloxone to reverse the symptoms of opioid overdose. A free naloxone kit is available for Utah participants who complete the full training and the pre- and post-training surveys.

Licensed Substance Use Disorder Counselor, Michelle Chapoose, offers virtual naloxone training and explains how YOU can help save lives! During Michelle's presentation, you will learn how opioids affect the body and brain, and how to correctly administering naloxone if you suspect an opioid overdose. Michelle provides real-life examples to help community members better recognize and understand opioid use disorder, discusses harm reduction efforts to aid prevention, treatment and recovery, and offers insights into how reducing the harm and stigma surrounding substance use disorder plays a critical role in recovery.

9:00 am - 11:00 am | Online/Virtual |

Coffee & Conversation: Prevention Beyond Compliance


Felicia Gallegos (She/Her) and Emmalee Fishburn (She/Her) are two of the individuals behind the violence prevention efforts happening at Utah State University. Early on in their efforts, they realized how important it was to ensure their efforts weren't just "checking a box", but were truly creating a culture where the Utah State Family refused to tolerate violence. Five years later, find out how they've done it!

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |



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