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Wednesday, January 26

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Health and Wellness Expo: Yoga


Grab a friend or coworker and join us for yoga at the ARC Loft. Enjoy the beautiful views of campus while flowing from pose to pose for a whole-body workout. Or join us via Zoom from wherever you’re comfortable. Don't have a mat? No problem — we'll have mats you can use at the ARC. See you there! Zoom Registration: https://usu-edu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vYKZQea1SZ-CJM6ZPdM7zA

11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Aggie Recreation Center (ARC) |

Self-Care Workshop


Self-care plays an important role in maintaining our well-being. However, it is often overlooked in times of stress and crisis. Sometimes we are so busy taking care of everything and everyone that we fail to notice how we are doing. In this presentation, we will take some time to breathe, check-in with ourselves, and build a self-care toolkit. Zoom Registration: https://usu-edu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_onvAqnHUQ1eIDG6TZKnu9A

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Open Educational Resources Grant Webinar

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Register for our OER Development Webinar taking place on January 26th from 12-1 pm. This will be a great opportunity to hear from past grant recipients who adopted, adapted, and created OER. It will also be a great chance to meet USU Libraries’ OER Team, and learn how to incorporate OER into your Canvas course from USU Instructional Designers. Please reach out to oer@usu.edu with any questions, or to schedule a preliminary consultation. Register at https://usu-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkd-mvpj8vHN2ym25M5laj-ZFZPSAMUS4a

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

An Astronaut's Career


Retired NASA astronauts Mary Cleave and Charlie Precourt will share highlights from their distinguished careers. Join us for this special event to commemorate a new scholarship from the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation. Refreshments will be served. Enter a raffle to win Apple AirPods, Visa gift cards, and other prizes.

4:30 pm - 6:00 pm | Engineering Building |

Entrepreneur Leadership Series: Tessa White

Panel Discussion/Presentation

This week’s speaker is Tessa White, who is the founder of The Job Doctor, a practice dedicated to helping individuals increase their promotability and work success. She is a former Fortune 50 executive, a 20-year expert in human resources, has been named by Disruptors magazine as one of the Top Female Entrepreneurs to watch in 2021, and by USA Today as one of the top speakers to watch in 2022. She is frequently found in the Wall Street Journal, and CNN Business and her book on finding workplace satisfaction will be published by Harper Collins in 2022.

See the full Entrepreneur Leadership 2022 schedule.

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Eccles Conference Center Auditorium |




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