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Order of the Engineer Ring Ceremony


All Engineering graduates are invited to participate in this year's "Order of the Engineer" Ring Ceremony to accept the "Obligation of an Engineer". Participation is a voluntary step to show your dedication to the field of engineering as you work in and with the public.

What is an Engineer's Ring Ceremony?
The Ring Ceremony is the public induction of candidates into the Order of the Engineer, during which the engineer candidates formally accept the Obligation of an Engineer and receive a stainless steel ring to be worn as a symbol on the small finger of the working hand.

What is the "Obligation of an Engineer"?
The Obligation is the formal statement of an engineer's responsibilities to the public and to the profession. The obligation is publicly accepted by an engineer during induction at a Ring Ceremony.

What is the Purpose?
To stimulate formal public recognition by engineers in the U.S. of two basic principles:
- The primary purpose of the engineering profession is the protection of the public, health, safety, and welfare.
- All members of the engineering profession share a common bond.

"To meet the needs of the future, we look to you, the engineers of the future"

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm | Engineering Building |

ASME Pinewood Derby

Student Activities

ASME's Annual Pinewood Derby! This Derby will consist of 4 race categories: Standard BSA Rules, Style, Professional, and Open (No Rules). The Derby is open for everyone, not just students! It is held in the TSC International Lounge at 5 pm on December 9th. ASME is giving out free car kits! Email asmeaggie@gmail.com for more information or to participate in more ASME events!

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm | TSC, International Lounge |




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