Upcoming Events


Bagels with Hillel for Utah

Cultural | Inclusive Excellence

Hillel for Utah, a Jewish student group from SLC is coming to USU. We'll be having bagels, socializing, hearing from Hillel for Utah, and learning how to make USU a better environment for Jewish students.

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm | Taggart Student Center |

USU Bringing War Home Oral History & Roadshow


Many of us are familiar with the material remains of war, whether we have direct experience with the battlefield or not. Some of these objects are personal, a way for veterans to preserve their experiences. Often, objects collected by relatives who have participated in the wars of the 20th and 21stcenturies linger on as memorials that help families tell the stories of how their beloved fathers, grandfathers, mothers and grandmothers, cousins, and siblings contributed to the larger history of war. The “Bringing War Home” project aims to enable our diverse community, military and civilian alike, to share their wartime objects and the stories that surround them. Working with community partners, we are preparing to host three full-day roadshows, where we invite the community to share family stories and to bring wartime objects for us to photograph and preserve in a digital archive (an online website where others can view and learn about these objects and their stories). One of our main goals is to create opportunities to engage veterans, military families, students, and communities in ongoing conversations on how objects can help us understand modern war.

10:00 am - 12:00 pm | Eccles Conference Center |

Native American Cultural Immersion


Ten non-Native Americans among staff and Faculty from our campus will participate in a six-hour guided tour of Monument Valley's most important cultural and archeological sites. The event's objective is to learn about the culture, traditions, and beliefs of the Diné (Navajo People) and how that may affect the relationship with Native American students and the everyday teaching and mentoring practices.
Our tour will be provided by Monument Valley Safari and guided by Don Mose Jr. We will leave Blanding at 7:00 in the morning and return from Monument Valley at 2:30 pm. The tour includes a stop at Golding's Lodge Restaurant for lunch.
Those interested in participating visit the NASNTI website at < https://statewide.usu.edu/blanding/nasnti/ > for directions.

7:00 am - 4:30 pm |



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