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Healthy Boundaries


Boundaries are the line between where we end and another person begins. It can be difficult to set and uphold our boundaries, and a lot of times this issue comes up in relationships. This workshop will explore mixed messaging around boundaries in society, what boundaries are and how to set them, and how to be genuinely you while in a relationship.

11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

CPR/AED & First Aid for Professional Rescuers


The primary purpose of the American Red Cross CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuers and First Aid course is to instruct those who have a duty to act (professional rescuers) in the knowledge and skills needed to respond appropriately to first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies. This includes the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) to care for a victim experiencing cardiac arrest. Register at recportal.usu.edu.

11:00 am - 4:00 pm | Aggie Recreation Center (ARC) |

Stress & Anxiety Workshop Series Part One: The Real Reason You Are Stressed Out


Part one of this six series workshop will focus on learning about the mind/body stress response and help identify your personal triggers for stress and anxiety. You will start to create an action plan to effectively manage stress. Attend all of the workshops in the series or just a couple. Either way you will have a new approach to stress. All workshops in the series are interactive and experiential. Meeting ID: 864 2503 6943 Passcode: 575315

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED/First Aid Course


American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED Blended Learning course helps participants recognize and respond appropriately to cardiac, breathing, and first aid emergencies. You will learn some core skills to treat: - Breathing and cardiac emergencies (CPR, AED, choking) - Injuries (broken bones, burns, cuts, stings) - Sudden illnesses (heat/cold emergencies, allergic reactions) Register at recportal.usu.edu

4:30 pm - 6:30 pm | Aggie Recreation Center (ARC) |

Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED/First Aid Course


American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED Blended Learning course helps participants recognize and respond appropriately to cardiac, breathing, and first aid emergencies. You will learn some core skills to treat: - Breathing and cardiac emergencies (CPR, AED, choking) - Injuries (broken bones, burns, cuts, stings) - Sudden illnesses (heat/cold emergencies, allergic reactions) Register at recportal.usu.edu

4:30 pm - 6:30 pm | Aggie Recreation Center (ARC) |

Trans Allies Training


In this virtual two hour training, participants learn about key terminology, microaggressions, state laws, and other key topics that impact the trans and non-binary community. Participants have the opportunity to take a commitment pledge and receive a trans allies sticker. To register for this training, please visit: https://www.usu.edu/inclusion/gender-sexuality/allies Participants will receive a zoom link the morning of the training.

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Sress & Anxiety Workshop Series Part Two: Just Breathe


Ever hear the phrase “just breathe” and wonder what good breathing actually does (besides keeping you alive)? Come to this workshop to see why breathing is effective in managing stress and anxiety. Meeting ID: 847 3289 3114 Passcode: 856150

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Allies Training


Want to know how to support the LGBT+ community? In this two hour training, participants learn about key terminology, microaggressions, state laws, and other key topics that impact the LGBT+ community. Participants have the opportunity to take a commitment pledge and receive a trans allies sticker. To register for this training, please visit: https://www.usu.edu/inclusion/gender-sexuality/allies

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Backpack to Briefcase: Thriving in a Diverse Workplace

Workshop/Training | Focused Friday

Our world is getting smaller with more ways to connect with people from all over the globe, and we want our business students to thrive in diverse and culturally inclusive workspaces. Come learn from Marissa Moksnes and Brock Hardcastle from General Mills how you can join any team, in any location, and show respect, empathy, and awareness so that all feel welcome. Whether you plan on starting your own business or joining an established company, this is an invaluable character trait for you to be successful.

Join live via the Huntsman YouTube Channel.

9:00 am - 9:30 am | Huntsman Hall |

Wilderness First Aid


This course is a great introduction to wilderness medicine and basic life support skills. It is perfect for the outdoor enthusiast who wants more than an urban first aid course provides. The emphasis of the class is on recognizing and treating life-threatening traumatic and medical emergencies, common wilderness injuries, bandaging and splinting, and environmental injuries. CPR is included in the curriculum.

8:00 am - 5:00 pm | Outdoor Recreation Center |

When $#!% Hits the Fan: How to Manage Conflict and Navigate Breakups


Relationships are hard and complicated, and at some point, there will be conflict and maybe they'll end. This workshop will go over how to manage conflict effectively in relationships, how to break up effectively, and how to take care of yourself after a breakup.

Meeting ID: 885 5185 6819 Passcode: 945717

2:30 pm - 3:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

"Digging Deeper with your Students"


Getting students to think deeply about the content of your course can be a challenge. You can do it by creating an environment of trust and asking the right questions. In this Sparkshop we’ll go deep to get going.

4:00 pm - 4:40 pm | Online/Virtual |

Stress & Anxiety Workshop Series Part Three: Progressive Muscle Relaxation


Anxiety and stress can cause muscle pain and headaches which can impact mood, motivation and performance. Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is one way to relieve or reduce aches and pains. In this workshop, you will experience PMR and learn how to use it in your every day life. Meeting ID: 894 0667 4103 Passcode: 859201

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

FE Mechanics of Fluids Review


Come and SOAK UP an OUTPOURING of fluids knowledge in preparation for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam! The FE Preparation workshop series will focus on preparing all MAE, BE, and CEE students to take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam near the end of their degree. In this workshop, we will cover fluid properties, flow measurement, fluid statics, and the energy, impulse, and momentum of fluids.

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm | Engineering Building |

Effecting Societal Change for Child Sexual Abuse


Child sexual abuse is a silent epidemic in our country, and Utah is no exception. One in five children is sexually abused by the age of 18. How do we make substantive headway on eliminating child sexual abuse from our communities? Join elected officials, nonprofit leaders, and academic researchers/university administrators for discussions surrounding what we can collectively change to keep our kids safer. Register to attend.

8:00 am - 11:30 am |




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