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JEDI EcoLunch_ Field safety for folks of diverse identities (Field Inclusive)

Workshop/Training | Inclusive Excellence

In case you missed Field Inclusive week, JEDI will be hosting EcoLunch on Friday Feb 3rd at 12:00 pm in NR 204. We will be screening a field safety webinar (featuring folks of diverse identities) by Field Inclusive.

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Natural Resources Building |

Allies Training


Want to know how to support the LGBT+ community? In this two hour training, participants learn about key terminology, microaggressions, state laws, and other key topics that impact this community. Participants have the opportunity to take a commitment pledge and receive an allies sticker. Register for the training here: https://usu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bskLpbfwwUFA4mh Participants will receive link day of the training.

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Stress & Anxiety Workshop Series Part One: The Real Reason You Are Stressed Out


Part one of this six series workshop will focus on learning about the mind/body stress response and help identify your personal triggers for stress and anxiety. You will start to create an action plan to effectively manage stress. Attend all of the workshops in the series or just a couple. Either way you will have a new approach to stress. All workshops in the series are interactive and experiential.

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Ecology Center Workshop - Tidyverse() & Data Wrangling


Please join us for the Ecology Center's fourth coding workshop in our workshop series: "Tidyverse() and Data Wrangling" on Tuesday February 14th from 3:00-5:00 pm MT in NR 217. Getting data organized is a key first step of any research project, and this workshop is for folks who want to learn easy and quick data manipulation and wrangling tools from the tidyverse() package (including the %>% function), and those who are curious about the R visualization capabilities of ggplot(). We will cover: a) what is the tidyverse? b) useful functions to know for data wrangling, subsetting, manipulating, and summarizing c) best practices for data wrangling d) a brief intro to plotting data

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Natural Resources Building |

Trans Allies Training


Want to know how to support the trans and non-binary community? In this two hour training, participants learn about key terminology, microaggressions, state laws, and other key topics that impact this specific community. Participants have the opportunity to take a commitment pledge and receive a trans allies sticker. Register for the training here: https://usu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bskLpbfwwUFA4mh Participants will receive link morning of the training.

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Sress & Anxiety Workshop Series Part Two: Just Breathe


Ever hear the phrase “just breathe” and wonder what good breathing actually does (besides keeping you alive)? Come to this workshop to see why breathing is effective in managing stress and anxiety.

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Ecology Center Workshop: Data Visualization with ggplot()


Please join us for our fifth coding workshop in our new coding workshop series on Tuesday February 21st from 3:00-5:00 PM MT in NR 217. This workshop is for folks who are interested in getting a more in-depth understanding of the data visualization capabilities of tidyverse, with an emphasis on ggplot(). We will cover: 1) Reminder: How do we use tidyverse 2) Useful functions to know for data visualization 3) What is ggplot? 4) Plotting data + bonus intro to sf()

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Natural Resources Building |

What are Eating Disorders?


Eating disorders are often confused or overlooked due to society's idealization of thin bodies and dieting, but eating disorders are serious, life-threatening mental illnesses. This workshop will explore signs, symptoms, and causes of eating disorders, options for seeking care, and how you can support someone going through an eating disorder.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

CyberSentinel Capture-the-Flag Training/Practice

Workshop/Training | Competitions

This meeting will be to practice cyber capture-the-flag skills in preparation for the National Cyber League competition. Come learn essential tools and tricks that will greatly improve your cybersecurity CTF prowess! Open to all who are interested in Cybersecurity and/or hacking!

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Huntsman Hall |

Body Acceptance


Negative body image is a common issue among college students. The term, “body image,” refers to the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs you hold about your body, as well as how they affect your daily life. Body acceptance is a way to build a healthier relationship with your body. In this workshop, we will explore what body image distress and body acceptance is and tools to help you move towards a place of body acceptance.
This workshop is available on zoom and in the Library room 154.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Backpack to Briefcase: Preparing for Graduate School

Workshop/Training | Focused Friday

You've decided to go to graduate school, but what now? In this episode of Backpack to Briefcase, we'll ask our panelists to discuss their experiences with the application process and what they did to prepare. From exams to letters of recommendation, do not miss this B2B where you'll hear from several Huntsmen alumnus.

Join live via the Huntsman YouTube Channel.

9:00 am - 9:30 am | Online/Virtual |

Debunking Diet Culture


Diet culture tells us that our appearance and body shape are more important than physical, psychological, and general well-being. It's the idea that controlling your body, particularly your diet—by limiting what and how much you eat—is normal. This workshop will explore the harmful effects of diet culture, debunk the myths it tells us about our food and bodies, and how to take of ourselves in a world surrounded with diet culture.
This workshop is available on zoom and in the Library room 154.

11:00 am - 12:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Ditch Your Debt and Transform Your Net Worth


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our first Spring workshop of the academic year.

Ditching debt is a powerful way to increase net worth, reduce stress surrounding money, and increase capacity to save and invest for your future. Net worth is a great big-picture measurement of your financial situation. It can take day-to-day work to increase your net worth, but there is a free tool available to help you become debt free! Join Melanie Jewkes, Utah State University Extension Professor, as she guides you on your transformational money journey.

Free - Register Online in Advance Here

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Stress & Anxiety Workshop Series Part Four: Visualization & Imagery


Imagery and visualization are evidence-based strategies to help reduce stress and anxiety. These techniques may also improve performance anxiety or interpersonal interactions.

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Ecology Center Workshop: For-loops and Functions


Please join us for our sixth coding workshop in the Ecology Center's coding workshop series on Tuesday February 28th from 3:00 - 5:00 PM MT. In this workshop, we'll go over a few programming concepts to make your coding more efficient, less error prone, and more readable. In particular, we'll cover iteration using loops and the *apply() family of functions and writing our own functions. This workshop will cover: Writing for-loops Writing custom functions The pros and cons of for-loops vs the *apply family of functions Combining iteration and custom functions for common data processing tasks

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Natural Resources Building |




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