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February 2021

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Keep Logan Clear

Special Event

Poor air quality and inversions affect all of us. Keep Logan Clear is a month long campaign sponsored by USU Sustainability and the Aggie Commuter Club to improve the air quality in Cache Valley. Join USU's TravelWise team to take the challenge and Clear the Air! Track your trips throughout the month of February for a chance to win prizes. Follow @AggieCommuter on Instagram or email commuter@aggies.usu.edu for more information.

All Day | Online/Virtual |

Keep Logan Clear

Special Event

Poor air quality and inversions affect all of us. Keep Logan Clear is a month long campaign sponsored by USU Sustainability and the Aggie Commuter Club to improve the air quality in Cache Valley. Join USU's TravelWise team to take the challenge and Clear the Air! Track your trips throughout the month of February for a chance to win prizes. Follow @AggieCommuter on Instagram or email commuter@aggies.usu.edu for more information.

All Day | Online/Virtual |

Keep Logan Clear

Special Event

Poor air quality and inversions affect all of us. Keep Logan Clear is a month long campaign sponsored by USU Sustainability and the Aggie Commuter Club to improve the air quality in Cache Valley. Join USU's TravelWise team to take the challenge and Clear the Air! Track your trips throughout the month of February for a chance to win prizes. Follow @AggieCommuter on Instagram or email commuter@aggies.usu.edu for more information.

All Day | Online/Virtual |

Keep Logan Clear

Special Event

Poor air quality and inversions affect all of us. Keep Logan Clear is a month long campaign sponsored by USU Sustainability and the Aggie Commuter Club to improve the air quality in Cache Valley. Join USU's TravelWise team to take the challenge and Clear the Air! Track your trips throughout the month of February for a chance to win prizes. Follow @AggieCommuter on Instagram or email commuter@aggies.usu.edu for more information.

All Day | Online/Virtual |

Keep Logan Clear

Special Event

Poor air quality and inversions affect all of us. Keep Logan Clear is a month long campaign sponsored by USU Sustainability and the Aggie Commuter Club to improve the air quality in Cache Valley. Join USU's TravelWise team to take the challenge and Clear the Air! Track your trips throughout the month of February for a chance to win prizes. Follow @AggieCommuter on Instagram or email commuter@aggies.usu.edu for more information.

All Day | Online/Virtual |

Keep Logan Clear

Special Event

Poor air quality and inversions affect all of us. Keep Logan Clear is a month long campaign sponsored by USU Sustainability and the Aggie Commuter Club to improve the air quality in Cache Valley. Join USU's TravelWise team to take the challenge and Clear the Air! Track your trips throughout the month of February for a chance to win prizes. Follow @AggieCommuter on Instagram or email commuter@aggies.usu.edu for more information.

All Day | Online/Virtual |

CHaSS Pre-Law Series: Nathaniel Woodward (History '17), Personal Injury Attorney

Special Event

Nathaniel Woodward (History ’17), Personal Injury Attorney, will share his career experiences and nonlinear path to the legal field during our first Pre-Law event of Spring 2021 on Tuesday, February 9 at 4pm on Zoom. As an undergrad Nathaniel was a standout student serving as the editor-in-chief of the University newspaper for two years as well as being awarded “Student of the Year” four times in three different subjects.

While in law school Nathaniel was inducted into “The Order of Barristers,” a highly selective national honor society for those who demonstrate superior trial and litigation skills, and was also presented with the “Col. Rupert J. Park Jr. Pro Bono Student of the Year” award, which is given to the one law student who volunteered the most time providing free legal services. Additionally, he was also the Senior Executive Citations Editor on the Universities Journal of Social Justice and Equity.

All students, alumni, faculty, and staff are welcome to join us next week.

Meeting Link: https://usu-edu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2_Av2E1-T1WtsZtQx3VjGQ

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Setting Intentions | Mindfulness & Meditation, A Weekly Practice

Special Event

This Week's Focus: Setting Intentions
Arrive with three intentions to focus on during this session. Learn what an intention is, how to use it, and techniques to bring the most pertinent item to the forefront of the mind.

Practicing self care through mindfulness and meditation can help you relax and focus on what is most important - your overall wellness. This class is the first in an ongoing, online wellness series hosted by the Utah State University Office of Health Equity and Community Engagement.

7:30 pm - 8:10 pm | Online/Virtual |

Loving Kindness Meditation | Mindfulness & Meditation, A Weekly Practice

Special Event

This Week's Focus: Loving Kindness
Come back to your relationship with self. During this session, we will focus on sending love and compassion first to our own selves and then out to others.

Practicing self care through mindfulness and meditation can help you relax and focus on what is most important - your overall wellness. This class is part of an ongoing, online wellness series hosted by the Utah State University Office of Health Equity and Community Engagement.

7:30 pm - 8:10 pm | Online/Virtual |

Alumni Lunch Series: Digital Take-Out with Cami Cannon & Danica Moran

Special Event

The CHaSS Alumni Lunch Series has gone online! Join us for Digital Take-Out as we discuss careers with esteemed alumni. On Thursday, February 18, we're talking to two alums who left Utah for life in New York City.

Cami Cannon (BA Liberal Arts '11, BS Plant Science '15), is the Senior Digital Designer for Dagne Dover, a New York-based handbag company. A Cache Valley native, Cami started her life as a designer with USU Extension. She then moved to Brooklyn to take on an internship with Reitdesign before landing a job with Dagne Dover in 2018, where she has been ever since.

Danica Moran (BS Journalism '13), is the New York Flagship Sales Manager for Tiffany & Co. After graduating, Danica began working as an events manager in Salt Lake City and applied for a part-time seasonal position with Tiffany & Co in SLC where she continued to moonlight as a sales professional over the next few years. She was later accepted to The Tiffany Academy for Excellence and Diversity in Retail Leadership and now manages the fashion floor sales team at the iconic store on Fifth Avenue.

Listen in and participate by asking questions during the live Zoom event on February 18 at 11am!

11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

CHaSS Alumni Presentation | Aaron Andersen, Senior Partner, Cicero Group

Special Event

Aaron Andersen (HIST ’00) is a Senior Partner at Cicero Group where he focuses on helping organizations grow sustainably and realize enhanced operational efficiencies in domestic and international markets. Prior to joining Cicero Group, Aaron worked for over a decade in leadership roles in higher education, culminating in his role as a Principal Organizational Consultant at the University of California, Berkeley. His higher education experience, marked by stints at his undergraduate alma mater, Utah State University, and his graduate alma maters, Cornell University and Harvard University, also includes leadership of significant vertical initiatives.

Aaron will share insights about his graduate experiences and professional journey in a presentation on Friday, February 19 at 12:30pm. All are welcome to attend this virtual event on Zoom.


12:30 pm - 1:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Business Senator Debate

Special Event

Business Senator Debate - join Zoom Meeting.

7:30 pm - 8:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

SWE Lightning Talks

Special Event

Come join us for SWE’s annual Lightning Talks on Wednesday, February 24th at 4 pm! An opportunity to hear from guest speakers on how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is shaping engineering, and how to survive engineering during these tough times. Listen to how the University is responding, opportunities for jobs and internships, and more! Join us over zoom:
Hope to see you there!

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm |

CHaSS Special Event: The Value of an Inclusive Education

Special Event

CHaSS is pleased to host a conversation with three prominent alumni working for organizations that employ and serve diverse populations. Come hear alumni of color reflect on their time at USU and discuss its impact on their careers. Join the discussion co-moderated by Angela Diaz and Ross Peterson.

Charisse Bremond Weaver (BA Journalism ’87), President & CEO of the Brotherhood Crusade, leads a team to directly serve low-income individuals between the ages of 10-24, impacting more than 20,000 youth, young adults, and families each year.

Tyrone (Ty) E. Couey (BS History ’71) is a founding member and President of the National Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Alumni Associations Foundation.

Michael McCullough (BS Political Science ’84) serves as Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer for the Miami Heat. Michael has a 33-year track record for creating one of the most recognized promotional campaigns in professional sports.

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Keep Logan Clear

Special Event

Poor air quality and inversions affect all of us. Keep Logan Clear is a month long campaign sponsored by USU Sustainability and the Aggie Commuter Club to improve the air quality in Cache Valley. Join USU's TravelWise team to take the challenge and Clear the Air! Track your trips throughout the month of February for a chance to win prizes. Follow @AggieCommuter on Instagram or email commuter@aggies.usu.edu for more information.

All Day | Online/Virtual |




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