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JEDI EcoLunch_ Field safety for folks of diverse identities (Field Inclusive)

Workshop/Training | Inclusive Excellence

In case you missed Field Inclusive week, JEDI will be hosting EcoLunch on Friday Feb 3rd at 12:00 pm in NR 204. We will be screening a field safety webinar (featuring folks of diverse identities) by Field Inclusive.

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Natural Resources Building |

Ecology Center Workshop: Data visualization with baseR


This workshop is for folks who are interested in getting a more in-depth understanding of the data visualization, plotting, and figure-making capabilities of baseR. This workshop will be taught be the EC's own Michael Stemkovski, a PhD student in BIOL. This workshop will cover: Beautifying your base-R plots Setting up plotting windows Multiple panels Touching up figures outside of R Animating figures Sign-up occurs on a first come-first serve basis, and we will be capping attendance at 25-30 attendees!

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Natural Resources Building |

Resume Workshop and Q&A with Dr. Will Pitt


Come build your resume and network at the Resume Workshop and Q&A hosted by the Berryman Institute. Featuring Dr. Will Pitt, USU Alum and Deputy Director for the Smithsonian Biological Institute. Free food, first come first serve!

2:00 pm - 4:15 pm | Natural Resources Building |

Ecology Center Workshop - Tidyverse() & Data Wrangling


Please join us for the Ecology Center's fourth coding workshop in our workshop series: "Tidyverse() and Data Wrangling" on Tuesday February 14th from 3:00-5:00 pm MT in NR 217. Getting data organized is a key first step of any research project, and this workshop is for folks who want to learn easy and quick data manipulation and wrangling tools from the tidyverse() package (including the %>% function), and those who are curious about the R visualization capabilities of ggplot(). We will cover: a) what is the tidyverse? b) useful functions to know for data wrangling, subsetting, manipulating, and summarizing c) best practices for data wrangling d) a brief intro to plotting data

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Natural Resources Building |

Ecology Center Workshop: Data Visualization with ggplot()


Please join us for our fifth coding workshop in our new coding workshop series on Tuesday February 21st from 3:00-5:00 PM MT in NR 217. This workshop is for folks who are interested in getting a more in-depth understanding of the data visualization capabilities of tidyverse, with an emphasis on ggplot(). We will cover: 1) Reminder: How do we use tidyverse 2) Useful functions to know for data visualization 3) What is ggplot? 4) Plotting data + bonus intro to sf()

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Natural Resources Building |

Ecology Center Workshop: For-loops and Functions


Please join us for our sixth coding workshop in the Ecology Center's coding workshop series on Tuesday February 28th from 3:00 - 5:00 PM MT. In this workshop, we'll go over a few programming concepts to make your coding more efficient, less error prone, and more readable. In particular, we'll cover iteration using loops and the *apply() family of functions and writing our own functions. This workshop will cover: Writing for-loops Writing custom functions The pros and cons of for-loops vs the *apply family of functions Combining iteration and custom functions for common data processing tasks

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Natural Resources Building |




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