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September 2023

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International Equal Pay Day

Special Event

International Equal Pay Day falls on September 18 of every year. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about unequal pay and pushing to close the gender pay gap. Interested in learning more about the gender pay gap and how to get involved? Stop by our office in TSC 313 on September 18th, from 3:30 pm-5:30pm for information on equal pay in Utah, financial wellness and salary negotiation tips, light refreshments, and more!

3:30 pm - 5:30 pm | Taggart Student Center |

Friday Night Lights High Fitness

Special Event

Join our Friday Night Lights High Fitness class for a fun and upbeat way to get active! Running from 8 to 9 p.m. on Friday, September 22nd, this high fitness event will be hosted on the Aggie Legacy Fields for a unique exercise experience! Bring your friends, come solo, or make it a date as we're hoping to beat BYU's record of the largest High Fitness event in the state. We hope to see you there!

8:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Aggie Recreation Center (ARC) |




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