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USU Fall Career and Internship Fair

Fair/Festival | Career Fair

Career fairs are the primary stage for students to actually get a job. This event is geared toward all students interested in pursuing a career in any field. Register early and let the employers know you are coming. They are excited to meet our amazing Aggie students. Register early and take a look at our growing list of employers that will be attending and ready to hire our students. Come interview-ready with your resume for possible on-the-spot interview or call-back.

11:00 am - 2:00 pm | TSC, International Lounge |

Graduate Schools Fair

Fair/Festival | Career Fair

A Graduate School Fair is an excellent opportunity for you to explore and discuss a variety of graduate degree programs with representatives from several schools. It also provides you with a chance to develop valuable contacts with important individuals that may help you with the application process in the future. Reasons to attend a Graduate School Fair - Research programs that are offered by a variety of schools. - Compare different schools’ objectives, philosophies, and curriculums. - Discover what preparation you may need before you apply. - Evaluate whether to begin graduate school right after completing your undergraduate degree or to wait 1-5 years. - Acquire information to help you make decisions about when and where you may apply for graduate school.

11:00 am - 2:00 pm | TSC, Evan N. Stevenson Ballroom |




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