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Unique Plants and Animals: The Flora and Fauna of Eastern Utah


Come on a virtual fieldtrip of the beautiful plants and animals that call Eastern Utah home. We will discuss the unique adaptations that allow these species to thrive in our amazing desert habitats.

Part of USU Eastern's "From the Book Cliffs to Blanding: A Panoramic View of Eastern Utah," hear Wildland Resources professor Sunshine Brosi discuss the plants animals that call Eastern Utah home.

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Utah State University Eastern Campus |

LAEP Speaker Series: David Evans


My Life in the Landscape For more than 50 years, the landscape has been at the center of my professional life. From my early days in the design/build business, to my later career in downtown revitalization and teaching, the past 50 years have enriched my life immeasurably, and taught me an array of valuable lessons. These lessons are at the heart of my presentation, with the hope of inspiring students as they dream and shape their future.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Fine Arts Visual |

LAEP Speaker Series: Angela Brooks, Women in Landscape Architecture Lecture


Corporation for Supportive Housing, the Source for Housing Solutions, Illinois Program No truer words have ever been spoken than Dorothy’s “There’s no place like home.” A home is more than just the physical structure; it is a place that emotes comfort, safety, and belonging. Yet for many the storied dream of home is more fiction than fairytale. I’ll share my experiences, how a chance encounter with public housing led to a career dedicated to working to help the under – and un-housed; and along the way, how my professional association helped prepare me to tackle career challenges.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Fine Arts Visual |




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