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September 24 - 30, 2023

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USU Restoration Consortium Short Course: Beaver Translocation


Instructors: Dr. Nick Bouwes, Nate Norman & Becky Yeager Dates: September 26-28, 2023 Description: This course is designed for individuals and groups who are interested in live trapping and relocating beaver for stream restoration. Students will gain: 1. Ability to work with landowners in protecting their property while living with beavers when possible. 2. Knowledge of types of beaver traps and how to properly set them. 3. Knowledge of how to safely transport beaver. 4. Ability to handle beavers to collect and record pertinent data after captures. 5. Knowledge of important components for temporary beaver husbandry. 6. Ability to select proper relocation areas for release. Learn how to prepare relocation areas to increase success

All Day | Natural Resources Building |

Ecology Center Data Science Workshop Series


The Ecology Center provides free, graduate student-led workshops on programming for data analysis. Sessions are held on Tuesdays at 3:00PM in NR 204, and are designed for beginners in the topic. Most workshops are focused on R, but we cover Python and Gooogle Earth Engine as well. Please bring your own computer. Below is this semester's schedule: Sept. 12 - Introduction to R Sept. 19 - Data wrangling using data.table Sept. 26 - Data wrangling and beyond with the tidyverse Oct. 3 - Data visualization with base R Oct. 10 - Data visualization with ggplot Oct. 17 - Advanced R: for-loops and functions Oct. 24 - Wrangling and analyzing spatial data in R Oct. 31 - Intro to Google Earth Engine Nov. 7 - Visualizing spatial data in R Nov. 14 - Intro to Python Nov. 28 - Github and reproducible analysis

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm | Natural Resources Building |

WILD Opening Social


Affiliated faculty, staff and grad students are invited to the Department of Wildland Resources Opening Social. Join us at 5:30 pm (food provided). 394 W Center St. Logan, Utah

5:30 pm - 8:30 pm |




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