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September 24 - 30, 2023

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History of Punctuation Poster Exhibition Celebrating National Punctuation Day


September 24 is National Punctuation Day. While punctuation may be viewed as a set of rigid grammar rules, the history of these symbols is fascinating, which was discovered by the students enrolled in Professor Joyce Kinkead’s History of Writing classes. Each student adopted a punctuation mark and then researched its origins. These histories are depicted graphically in colorful posters designed by Molly Etchberger, a graduate of Art and Design. The posters are on display in the Merrill-Cazier Library on the lower floor near Special Collections, September 11-October 9. A public reception with refreshments will be hosted by the Department of English on site on Friday, September 22 at noon.

All Day | USU Libraries |

History of Punctuation Poster Exhibition Celebrating National Punctuation Day


September 24 is National Punctuation Day. While punctuation may be viewed as a set of rigid grammar rules, the history of these symbols is fascinating, which was discovered by the students enrolled in Professor Joyce Kinkead’s History of Writing classes. Each student adopted a punctuation mark and then researched its origins. These histories are depicted graphically in colorful posters designed by Molly Etchberger, a graduate of Art and Design. The posters are on display in the Merrill-Cazier Library on the lower floor near Special Collections, September 11-October 9. A public reception with refreshments will be hosted by the Department of English on site on Friday, September 22 at noon.

All Day | USU Libraries |

IOGP Spring Internship Applications Due


The Institute of Government & Politics (IOGP) connects students with internship opportunities from Logan to Washington D.C. Spring semester the Utah Legislature will hire 14 USU students to work directly with legislators spring semester during the 6 week legislative session. GPA of 3.0 is required. All majors are welcome to apply. Apply at: http://usu.edu/iogp/apply.

8:00 am - 11:55 pm | David B. Haight Center |

Drops of Mindfulness


Live and online guided mindfulness practices offered freely by the IDRRP to support the well-being of faculty, staff, and students. Everyone in the USU community is welcome all or any of these 10-minute practices whenever they fit in the schedule. There is no requirement or no pre-requisite to participate.

8:45 am - 8:55 am | Online/Virtual |

Info Table: Tanner

Social/Networking | Student Recruiting

Come talk to the professionals from Tanner and find out about their career opportunities.

9:30 am - 1:30 pm | Huntsman Hall |

College of Science Students ORCiD Workshop


College of Science undergraduates, grad students and alumni are invited to learn about how to set up, manage and use an ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), to ensure their research efforts receive proper credit. An ORCiD is a credential you carry throughout your future career. (The workshop is offered in person in LIB 154, but a remote option is also available. Advance registration is required: https://usu-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvc-uuqTsjE9Y6tltR56sQJIxQuM8ki9C_#/registration

12:30 pm - 1:15 pm | USU Libraries |

CIDI Workshop - Publishing Open Textbooks with Pressbooks


Pressbooks is an open e-book authoring and publishing platform available to USU teachers and students. It integrates with Canvas and allows teachers and students to discover, use, and adapt existing open educational content or author and publish new content. Learn how to use and create Pressbooks content for your course.

2:30 pm - 3:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Geo Speaker Series: Dr. Marissa Tsugawa


Dr. Marissa Tsugawa from USU Engineering will present on Neurodivergence in STEM.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Geology building |

MAE Research Seminar Series


Dr. John Valasek
Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Texas A & M University
Multiple-Time-Scale Nonlinear Output Feedback Control of Systems with Model Uncertainties

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Engineering Building |

Business Week: Mentorship Mixer


Come join us for dinner and a chance to connect with business professionals, ask questions, and gain valuable insights on mentorship!

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | Huntsman Hall |

FORVIS Night at the Garden

Social/Networking | Student Recruiting

Join the professional from FORVIS at Red Butte Garden for an evening of dinner, networking and fun! RSVP https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=GNdFj2Ji6EqllXR7A8XC9fdfwnKyRz1PtGkC_ogDzCNUMElJTzFBWVFPVUowUFdMVzBFRzBZSDY3US4u

5:30 pm - 9:00 pm |

We Are Pussy Riot Or Everything is P.R.


In February 2012, five young women walked into the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow to protest the illegal presidential election in Russia. The young activists, who called themselves Pussy Riot, offered up a 48-second punk prayer, shouting, “Virgin Mary, chase Putin away!” before being dragged out of the church by security. After uploading a video of the performance onto YouTube, the women of Pussy Riot were arrested as enemies of church and state. But when Western media reclaimed the story, Pussy Riot’s protest became the greatest piece of performance art in Russian history. This is their story.

Recommended for patrons 13 and above.

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm | Chase Fine Arts Center, Black Box Theatre |

True Eagle

Student Activities

Get ready to immerse yourself in Utah State Eastern's rich traditions and meet us outside the JLSC on the night of a full moon. Come ready to enjoy fun music and candy! Share a kiss to claim your title as a True Eagle.

All Day | Utah State University Eastern Campus |

USU Restoration Consortium Short Course: Beaver Translocation


Instructors: Dr. Nick Bouwes, Nate Norman & Becky Yeager Dates: September 26-28, 2023 Description: This course is designed for individuals and groups who are interested in live trapping and relocating beaver for stream restoration. Students will gain: 1. Ability to work with landowners in protecting their property while living with beavers when possible. 2. Knowledge of types of beaver traps and how to properly set them. 3. Knowledge of how to safely transport beaver. 4. Ability to handle beavers to collect and record pertinent data after captures. 5. Knowledge of important components for temporary beaver husbandry. 6. Ability to select proper relocation areas for release. Learn how to prepare relocation areas to increase success

All Day | Natural Resources Building |

History of Punctuation Poster Exhibition Celebrating National Punctuation Day


September 24 is National Punctuation Day. While punctuation may be viewed as a set of rigid grammar rules, the history of these symbols is fascinating, which was discovered by the students enrolled in Professor Joyce Kinkead’s History of Writing classes. Each student adopted a punctuation mark and then researched its origins. These histories are depicted graphically in colorful posters designed by Molly Etchberger, a graduate of Art and Design. The posters are on display in the Merrill-Cazier Library on the lower floor near Special Collections, September 11-October 9. A public reception with refreshments will be hosted by the Department of English on site on Friday, September 22 at noon.

All Day | USU Libraries |

Drops of Mindfulness


Live and online guided mindfulness practices offered freely by the IDRRP to support the well-being of faculty, staff, and students. Everyone in the USU community is welcome all or any of these 10-minute practices whenever they fit in the schedule. There is no requirement or no pre-requisite to participate.

8:45 am - 8:55 am | Online/Virtual |

Academic Belonging & Learning Excellence: Why, What, and How?


A Front & Center Webinar for USU faculty and staff

10:00 am - 11:00 am | Online/Virtual |

World Contraception Day

Student Activities

The 26th of September is observed by the international community as World Contraception Day. Stop by TSC 313 on September 26th from 10 am-11:30 am for a conversational hour on reproductive justice and why it matters. We will also have free reproductive justice swag and supplies plus coffee and pastries!

10:00 am - 11:30 am | Taggart Student Center |

Lunch & Learn - Strategies to Stretch Your Income


USU Be Well and Extension's Empowering Financial Wellness Program present a lunch and learn on strategies to stretch your income. Amid inflation, 63% of Americans say they are living paycheck to paycheck making progress towards financial goals daunting and seemingly impossible. Establishing attainable goals and developing new spending and saving habits can help you increase and maximize your income and minimize expenses. This will allow you to put even more money towards the things that matter most to you. The tools we discuss in this webinar will help you do just that! Join us to learn practical strategies for organizing your money, adjusting your daily spending, and strategies & free tools for cutting expenses. *Presentation will be recorded. Attendance and participation in this event qualify as an activity for the Be Well Rewards program.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Business Week: Professional Development Day


Join us in the Huntsman Courtyard for professional headshots, resume help, one-on-one LinkedIn advice, food, and more!

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Huntsman Hall |

Goldman Sach Info Session


Join us to learn about open internship roles with Goldman Sachs and meet professionals from within the divisions that are hiring! All majors welcome! Register to attend

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | George S. Eccles Business Building |

Peer Review @ USU

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Join USU Libraries for a virtual panel discussion focused on academic peer review, featuring journal editors and reviewers from various disciplines. We will explore what constitutes a good peer review, how to respond to and incorporate peer review feedback, and include time for audience Q&A. If you are interested in engaging in academic publishing as an author, reviewer, or editor, this panel is for you!

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Peer Review @ USU

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Join USU Libraries for a virtual panel discussion focused on academic peer review, featuring journal editors and reviewers from various disciplines. We will explore what constitutes a good peer review, how to respond to and incorporate peer review feedback, and include time for audience Q&A. If you are interested in engaging in academic publishing as an author, reviewer, or editor, this panel is for you!

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm |

Stress and Anxiety Management Part 3


Stress and Anxiety Management workshop part 3 will help you identify your own thinking patterns that often lead to higher levels of stress. Learn how to reframe and challenge the worn out recording of negative self-talk and unhelpful thoughts in this workshop.

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm |

CIDI Workshop - Designing Assessment for Learning


This workshop will help you create or re-design assessment to align with your overall course goals.

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Ecology Center Data Science Workshop Series


The Ecology Center provides free, graduate student-led workshops on programming for data analysis. Sessions are held on Tuesdays at 3:00PM in NR 204, and are designed for beginners in the topic. Most workshops are focused on R, but we cover Python and Gooogle Earth Engine as well. Please bring your own computer. Below is this semester's schedule: Sept. 12 - Introduction to R Sept. 19 - Data wrangling using data.table Sept. 26 - Data wrangling and beyond with the tidyverse Oct. 3 - Data visualization with base R Oct. 10 - Data visualization with ggplot Oct. 17 - Advanced R: for-loops and functions Oct. 24 - Wrangling and analyzing spatial data in R Oct. 31 - Intro to Google Earth Engine Nov. 7 - Visualizing spatial data in R Nov. 14 - Intro to Python Nov. 28 - Github and reproducible analysis

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm | Natural Resources Building |

We Are Pussy Riot Or Everything is P.R.


In February 2012, five young women walked into the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow to protest the illegal presidential election in Russia. The young activists, who called themselves Pussy Riot, offered up a 48-second punk prayer, shouting, “Virgin Mary, chase Putin away!” before being dragged out of the church by security. After uploading a video of the performance onto YouTube, the women of Pussy Riot were arrested as enemies of church and state. But when Western media reclaimed the story, Pussy Riot’s protest became the greatest piece of performance art in Russian history. This is their story.

Recommended for patrons 18 and above.

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm | Chase Fine Arts Center, Black Box Theatre |

History of Punctuation Poster Exhibition Celebrating National Punctuation Day


September 24 is National Punctuation Day. While punctuation may be viewed as a set of rigid grammar rules, the history of these symbols is fascinating, which was discovered by the students enrolled in Professor Joyce Kinkead’s History of Writing classes. Each student adopted a punctuation mark and then researched its origins. These histories are depicted graphically in colorful posters designed by Molly Etchberger, a graduate of Art and Design. The posters are on display in the Merrill-Cazier Library on the lower floor near Special Collections, September 11-October 9. A public reception with refreshments will be hosted by the Department of English on site on Friday, September 22 at noon.

All Day | USU Libraries |

Drops of Mindfulness


Live and online guided mindfulness practices offered freely by the IDRRP to support the well-being of faculty, staff, and students. Everyone in the USU community is welcome all or any of these 10-minute practices whenever they fit in the schedule. There is no requirement or no pre-requisite to participate.

8:45 am - 8:55 am | Online/Virtual |

CIDI Workshop - Creating Usable, Accessible Courses


Learn quick and easy practical tips to make sure your content more usable and easy to learn for the students in your course. In this workshop we will go over how to: · Get rid of extra content in your course and simplify your course navigation. · Get rid of broken links and make sure your content is published. · Embed and caption your videos to make them more usable for everyone. · Provide content in user-friendly formats that work well on mobile devices.

10:30 am - 11:30 am | Online/Virtual |

SBIR 101 and 201 Workshop


Representatives from the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity will be conducting a workshop on Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer programs

2:30 pm - 5:00 pm |

SBIR 101 and 201 Workshop by Utah Innovation Center


Are you a researcher, small business, or entrepreneur with a novel technology? The Utah Innovation Center can help you obtain federal funding - as much as $2 million! SBIR 101 and 201 Workshop - Learn about the Federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. - Up to $2 million for R&D of your technology or products. Wednesday, September 27th, USTAR BioInnovations Center, 650 E 1600 N, Logan, UT - Networking/ food at 2:30pm - SBIR 101 and 201 from 3-5pm

2:30 pm - 5:00 pm |

Business Week: Taste of DEI

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Join the Huntsman School in celebrating DEI. There will be a student panel where they can share their college experience and answer questions on how to be an ally to students of color. Following the panel there will be tabling with diversity clubs on campus and food. Come have a TASTE of DEI!

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm | George S. Eccles Business Building |

Finding Belonging: How to Combat Loneliness


At some point in our lives, most people experience a time of loneliness and isolation. Even when we are surrounded by loved ones, we may feel like no one truly understands us. This workshop will talk about the origins of loneliness and how we can find our way back to connection.

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm |

Finding Belonging: How to Combat Loneliness


At some point in our lives, most people experience a time of loneliness and isolation. Even when we are surrounded by loved ones, we may feel like no one truly understands us. This workshop will talk about the origins of loneliness and how we can find our way back to connection.

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm |

CIDI Workshop - Managing and Editing Lecture Recordings


With all the recordings you have probably been creating lately, your MyMedia account may be in need of some attention. This workshop will take you through the first steps to becoming a media master: learn how to tag and add descriptions to your recordings to make them more easily searchable, discover the power of playlists, and become familiar with the basic editing tools that are available through MyMedia.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Master of Human Resources On-Campus Virtual Info Session

Information/Orientation | Student Recruiting

We invite you to meet with us to learn how a Master of Human Resources from Utah State University will give you a competitive advantage in your career path. Register at: MHR Events

5:00 pm - 5:45 pm | Online/Virtual |

WILD Opening Social


Affiliated faculty, staff and grad students are invited to the Department of Wildland Resources Opening Social. Join us at 5:30 pm (food provided). 394 W Center St. Logan, Utah

5:30 pm - 8:30 pm |

USU Uintah Basin Parapro Dinner

Student Activities

The Vernal campus will host a dinner for our Parapro students.

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm |

Unified Flag Football


Unified Sports joins people with and without intellectual disabilities on the same team. It was inspired by a simple principle: training together and playing together is a quick path to friendship and understanding. It's free to play and we'd be happy to have you in this 8v8 flag football league! Download Fusion Play to register.

6:15 pm - 7:15 pm | Aggie Recreation Center (ARC) |

SBIR 101 Workshop from Utah Innovation Center


Are you a researcher, future small business owner or entrepreneur with a novel technology? The Utah Innovation Center can help you obtain federal funding - as much as $2 million! SBIR 101 Workshop - Learn about the Federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. - Up to $2 million for R&D or your technology or product. Wednesday, September 27th, from 6:30-8pm, Huntsman Hall, room 326 - Dinner provided

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm | Huntsman Hall |

Jazz Jams


This concert will feature the Caine Jazz Combo along with a guest artist and jazz students from Music Department performing standard jazz tunes. The jam session is open to all and people are encouraged to bring their instrument and join in.

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Taggart Student Center |

We Are Pussy Riot Or Everything is P.R.


In February 2012, five young women walked into the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow to protest the illegal presidential election in Russia. The young activists, who called themselves Pussy Riot, offered up a 48-second punk prayer, shouting, “Virgin Mary, chase Putin away!” before being dragged out of the church by security. After uploading a video of the performance onto YouTube, the women of Pussy Riot were arrested as enemies of church and state. But when Western media reclaimed the story, Pussy Riot’s protest became the greatest piece of performance art in Russian history. This is their story.

Recommended for patrons 18 and above.

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm | Chase Fine Arts Center, Black Box Theatre |

History of Punctuation Poster Exhibition Celebrating National Punctuation Day


September 24 is National Punctuation Day. While punctuation may be viewed as a set of rigid grammar rules, the history of these symbols is fascinating, which was discovered by the students enrolled in Professor Joyce Kinkead’s History of Writing classes. Each student adopted a punctuation mark and then researched its origins. These histories are depicted graphically in colorful posters designed by Molly Etchberger, a graduate of Art and Design. The posters are on display in the Merrill-Cazier Library on the lower floor near Special Collections, September 11-October 9. A public reception with refreshments will be hosted by the Department of English on site on Friday, September 22 at noon.

All Day | USU Libraries |

Drops of Mindfulness


Live and online guided mindfulness practices offered freely by the IDRRP to support the well-being of faculty, staff, and students. Everyone in the USU community is welcome all or any of these 10-minute practices whenever they fit in the schedule. There is no requirement or no pre-requisite to participate.

8:45 am - 8:55 am | Online/Virtual |

USU and You with Adam Gaus


Tune in this week to "USU and You" as we sit down and chat with Adam Gaus from Friends Against Family Violence.

9:00 am - 9:30 am |

Blue Plate Research

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Featuring Beth Fauth, Director of The Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Research Center, this Blue Plate Research event will focus on the relationship between caregivers and Alzheimer's patients.

11:30 am - 1:00 pm |

ILWA issue lunch- Energy


Luncheon discussing the issues with energy around the state.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | TSC, Skyroom Restaurant |

Business Week: Carnival for Change


The Business Council is hosting a small carnival with games, donuts, and surveys! Play, eat, and give us your thoughts on your experience at the Huntsman School. Co-sponsored by Women in Finance and She Dare's Mighty Things.

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Huntsman Hall |

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Info Session


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is holding an info session to talk about internships and employment roles. Come and talk with representatives from the church and learn about opportunities that fit engineering majors of all skill levels.

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Huntsman Hall |

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Info Session


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is holding an info session to talk about internship and employment roles. Come and talk with representatives from the church and learn more about opportunities that fit all majors and skills.

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Engineering Building |

LGBT+ Support Group

Student Activities

Are you looking for ways to find more connection on campus? Come join the LGBT+ support group! Meetings are every Thursday from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Visit the CAPS office (TSC 306), call the CAPS office at (435) 797-1012, or email capsinfo@usu.edu to fill out paperwork. For more questions, email erika.lindstrom@usu.edu

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm |

Aetna Webinar – Communicating Across Differences


Aetna, USU’s Employee Assistance Provider, presents a Resources for Living webinar. Communication is at the heart of each relationship we have. Learning ways to communicate well across differences is key. Making sure you understand and are understood is an important factor in finding success and satisfaction in your relationships. Join this webinar to learn ways you can improve how you relate with others and communicate better.

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

USU HELPS: Helping Everyone Learn to Prevent Suicide


This training is for any members of USU community who want to assist other USU students in distress by reaching out and connecting them to right resources. The training will cover signs of psychological distress, warning signs of suicide, review of available mental health resources, and ways to reach out.

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm |

Fall STEM Career Fair


The USU STEM Career Fair is open to all majors but is targeted towards Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics majors. This event is a great opportunity for both local and national companies to recruit our amazing USU students and alumni for open roles. Industries represented include: Engineering, Healthcare, Environmental, Technology, Energy, Consulting and Government.

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm | TSC, Evan N. Stevenson Ballroom |

Moab Paddling & camping


We are heading down south near Moab to spend the weekend playing on the Colorado River and hiking in the Moab area. We will enjoy our nights camped in beautiful red rock country while we paddle the rapids of the Moab Daily section and hike along beautiful red rock trails. Participants must be able to swim and prepared for fun on the water. Trip cost includes: food, transportation, campground fees, river equipment, and student leadership.

3:00 pm - 8:00 pm |

Legacy of Val Day of Service: Bulbs at the Whittier Community Center

Special Event

Honor the legacy of Val Christensen by lending a hand at the Whittier Community Center! We'll be planting bulbs that will sprout in the springtime and pulling weeds. The Whittier Center is one of Logan's historical gems, and it also features an accessible Adventure Playground that hundreds of families utilize every week. Register in AggiePulse.

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm |

ASM Davis Technical College Composite Lab Tour


Tour of Davis Technical College's Composites Lab in Kaysville, UT. It will be followed with a guest speaker and refreshments. Free for USU Students, those who are involved with SAMPE or who are interested in composites are encouraged to attend! Transportation services are provided. We will leave from the ENGR parking meters at 4:00 PM.

4:00 pm - 8:00 pm |

Utah State Women's Soccer vs. Colorado State


Utah State Women's Soccer vs. Colorado State

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm | Chuck and Gloria Bell Soccer Field |

IBE Opening Social

Student Activities

The Institute of Biological Engineering will be hosting their opening social. Come and enjoy a fun activity, food, and learn about IBE! We'll discuss membership, future meetings, upcoming industry tours, and more!

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Engineering Building |

Tau Beta Pi Information Session


There are many other benefits that come from being a member of Tau Beta Pi! To help answer some of the questions that you may have, and to expound on these benefits further, the chapter will hold a new member information session. In this meeting, we will discuss the benefits of Tau Beta Pi membership, the process for joining the Association, and, most importantly, how Tau Beta Pi aims to serve the College of Engineering and the Cache Valley community.

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Engineering Building |

Interfaith Student Association's Equinox/Pagan Fall Festival

Student Activities | Inclusive Excellence

Come learn about Mabon, a Pagan festival on the eve of the Autumn Equinox. Join us for great food and eye-opening experience of the beauties of Pagan tradition

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm |

IMA Professional Meeting


Colton Scott from the FDIC will be speaking about careers in government and the CMA exam.

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Huntsman Hall |

USU Uintah Basin Community Education Courses: Chakra 101


This is not a class that you take once and forget. You will identify the unique qualities of the chakras; become familiar with your own body intuitively; unblock and balance your energy; help heal and develop your mind, body and spirit; and learn to know yourself and discover personal harmony and balance.

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm |

We Are Pussy Riot Or Everything is P.R.


In February 2012, five young women walked into the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow to protest the illegal presidential election in Russia. The young activists, who called themselves Pussy Riot, offered up a 48-second punk prayer, shouting, “Virgin Mary, chase Putin away!” before being dragged out of the church by security. After uploading a video of the performance onto YouTube, the women of Pussy Riot were arrested as enemies of church and state. But when Western media reclaimed the story, Pussy Riot’s protest became the greatest piece of performance art in Russian history. This is their story.

Recommended for patrons 18 and above.

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm | Chase Fine Arts Center, Black Box Theatre |

History of Punctuation Poster Exhibition Celebrating National Punctuation Day


September 24 is National Punctuation Day. While punctuation may be viewed as a set of rigid grammar rules, the history of these symbols is fascinating, which was discovered by the students enrolled in Professor Joyce Kinkead’s History of Writing classes. Each student adopted a punctuation mark and then researched its origins. These histories are depicted graphically in colorful posters designed by Molly Etchberger, a graduate of Art and Design. The posters are on display in the Merrill-Cazier Library on the lower floor near Special Collections, September 11-October 9. A public reception with refreshments will be hosted by the Department of English on site on Friday, September 22 at noon.

All Day | USU Libraries |

Drops of Mindfulness


Live and online guided mindfulness practices offered freely by the IDRRP to support the well-being of faculty, staff, and students. Everyone in the USU community is welcome all or any of these 10-minute practices whenever they fit in the schedule. There is no requirement or no pre-requisite to participate.

8:45 am - 8:55 am | Online/Virtual |

Utah State University’s Inaugural Employee Appreciation Day

Special Event

All USU employees (full and part time) are invited to a day of fun and recognition! Employee Appreciation Day is coordinated by the Office of Human Resources with support and sponsorship from several internal and external partners. The goal of this day is to celebrate all faculty and staff by providing some food, fun, and formal recognition for all you do for USU and our students. This event will include free lunch served by the USU Executive Committee, and activities such as a football field goal kick, flu shot clinic, tours of athletic events, live music, exhibitors, and more! Employees must bring their USU ID card in order to access the event.

10:00 am - 2:00 pm | Maverik Stadium |

Uintah Basin Employee Appreciation Day

Special Event

Main campus is hosting Statewide Employee Appreciation Days - USU Uintah Basin will enjoy a BBQ and wiffle ball tournament at Ashley Valley Community Park!

10:00 am - 2:00 pm |

Employee Appreciation Day!


Employee Appreciation Day is coordinated by the Office of Human Resources with support and sponsorship from several internal and external partners. The goal of this day is to celebrate all faculty and staff by providing some food, fun, and formal recognition for all you do for USU and our students.

This event will include free lunch served by the USU Executive Committee, and activities such as a football field goal kick, flu shot clinic, tours of Athletic venues, live music, exhibitors, and more!

Statewide Campus Activities:
Blanding: Lunch & Movie, 12:00-4:00 on September 29th
Brigham City Region: Lunch, 12:00-1:00 on September 29th
Eastern: Lunch, 12:00 - 2:00 on September 29th
Moab: Lunch, 12:00 - 2:00 on September 29th
Southwest Region: Lunch, Time TBD on September 29th
Tooele: Lunch & Bowling, 12:00 - 4:00 on September 29th
Uintah Basin: Lunch & Softball Tournament, 10:00 - 2:00 on September 29th
Wasatch Region: Lunch & Top Golf, 10:00 - 2:00 on September 29th

10:00 am - 2:00 pm | Maverik Stadium |

Finance Career Day

Information/Orientation | Focused Friday

Enjoy lunch, network with professionals and alumni to learn about career opportunities in Finance from firms including Adams Wealth, Alter Domus, Divvy and Fidelty Investments. Register to attend.

10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Huntsman Hall |

Don't Be Reviewer 2: Reviewing for Journal and Conferences


Peer review is high stakes work; reviewer feedback influences (often determines) whether manuscripts are published, and for many academics, keeping their job depends on publishing their scholarship. In other words, peer reviews have material, professional consequences. It’s surprising, then, that scholars are rarely trained in how to be a good reviewer. In this workshop, you’ll learn a practical heuristic for providing peer review feedback that is inclusive, helpful, and appropriate.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Creating Wellness


Creative Wellness provides an open studio environment in which anyone can utilize the create process to promote wellness and learn about art therapy. Hosted by Susie Selger

12:00 pm - 3:00 pm | Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art |

Don't Be Reviewer 2: Reviewing for Journal and Conferences


Peer review is high stakes work; reviewer feedback influences (often determines) whether manuscripts are published, and for many academics, keeping their job depends on publishing their scholarship. In other words, peer reviews have material, professional consequences. It’s surprising, then, that scholars are rarely trained in how to be a good reviewer. In this workshop, you’ll learn a practical heuristic for providing peer review feedback that is inclusive, helpful, and appropriate.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Women in Welding Workshop


Over the course of three sessions, participants will learn how to set up a welder for GMAW/FCAW, apply basic troubleshooting techniques, use basic shop tools and machinery, and will be introduced to entry-level fabrication techniques. Students will complete a small project by the end of the course to take home with them.

This workshop runs three consecutive Saturdays, September 23, 30 and October 7, 2023.

12:00 pm - 3:00 pm |

Moab Paddling & camping


We are heading down south near Moab to spend the weekend playing on the Colorado River and hiking in the Moab area. We will enjoy our nights camped in beautiful red rock country while we paddle the rapids of the Moab Daily section and hike along beautiful red rock trails. Participants must be able to swim and prepared for fun on the water. Trip cost includes: food, transportation, campground fees, river equipment, and student leadership.

3:00 pm - 8:00 pm |

Mid-Autumn Festival


Join USU's Asian Student Association in a night market-style celebration featuring art and merchandise from community creators, mooncakes, karaoke, and lantern-, letter-, and bracelet-making!

5:00 pm - 8:00 pm | TSC, Patio |

Women in Welding Workshop


Over the course of three sessions, participants will learn how to set up a welder for GMAW/FCAW, apply basic troubleshooting techniques, use basic shop tools and machinery, and will be introduced to entry-level fabrication techniques. Students will complete a small project by the end of the course to take home with them.

This event is three consecutive Fridays, September 22, 29 and October 6. 2023.

5:30 pm - 8:30 pm |

Fall Stampede Rodeo

Special Event

Come out and support the USU Rodeo as we host the Fall Stampede!! We will be competing against colleges and universities from Utah, Southern Idaho and Western Colorado. It will be a fun filled night with entertainment and exciting rodeo action from top ranked cowboys and cowgirls across the Rocky Mountain Region. Tickets can be purchased online or at the gate!! Come early to grab dinner before the rodeo

7:00 pm - 9:30 pm |

Business Week: Huntsman Gala: A Night in New York


We are thrilled to extend our invitation to a night in New York here at Utah State University! The Huntsman Gala 2023 is going to be a night full of good food, mocktails, carnival games, and dancing. Get ready for an evening of elegance, inspiration, and unparalleled networking opportunities.

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Huntsman Hall |

Anna Goates Senior Capstone Piano Recital


Piano recital of piano solos inspired by nature

7:30 pm - 8:30 pm | Russell/Wanlass Performance Hall |

We Are Pussy Riot Or Everything is P.R.


In February 2012, five young women walked into the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow to protest the illegal presidential election in Russia. The young activists, who called themselves Pussy Riot, offered up a 48-second punk prayer, shouting, “Virgin Mary, chase Putin away!” before being dragged out of the church by security. After uploading a video of the performance onto YouTube, the women of Pussy Riot were arrested as enemies of church and state. But when Western media reclaimed the story, Pussy Riot’s protest became the greatest piece of performance art in Russian history. This is their story.

Recommended for patrons 18 and above.

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm | Chase Fine Arts Center, Black Box Theatre |

Wind Orchestra


The Wind Orchestra, the "flagship ensemble" of the USU Bands, is a 45-member ensemble of the finest wind and percussion players on campus. Each performance includes contemporary wind music, as well as time-tested standard band repertoire.

This event will be livestreamed on the CCA YouTube channel.

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm | Chase Fine Arts Center, Daines Concert Hall |

Full Moon Hike


See the beauty of Logan Canyon under the moon's light. Be sure to bring your hiking shoes, water bottle, headlamp, some snacks for the trail and warm clothes for the cooler nighttime temperatures. Register by September 28th.

8:00 pm - 11:55 pm |

Old Main Hill Challenge


The USU Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Student Council invites Cache Valley's running enthusiasts to join in the Old Main Hill Challenge to raise funds for STEM outreach. Race up the stairs of USU's iconic Old Main Hill, and compete to see how many laps of the mile-long course you can complete in the allotted time. Winners will be given the title of Old Main Hill Champion! Entry fee is $15 for students; $25 for community members. Racers receive a Race T-shirt, post-race drinks and snacks, awards. Meet at the center of the USU Quad for race bib pick-up at 8 am; race starts at 9 am. Learn more and register at usu.edu/chem/students/graduate/old-main-hill-challenge

8:00 am - 12:00 pm | Quad |

History of Punctuation Poster Exhibition Celebrating National Punctuation Day


September 24 is National Punctuation Day. While punctuation may be viewed as a set of rigid grammar rules, the history of these symbols is fascinating, which was discovered by the students enrolled in Professor Joyce Kinkead’s History of Writing classes. Each student adopted a punctuation mark and then researched its origins. These histories are depicted graphically in colorful posters designed by Molly Etchberger, a graduate of Art and Design. The posters are on display in the Merrill-Cazier Library on the lower floor near Special Collections, September 11-October 9. A public reception with refreshments will be hosted by the Department of English on site on Friday, September 22 at noon.

All Day | USU Libraries |

Softball - Scrimmages


Softball - Scrimmages

10:00 am - 4:00 pm |

All-Aggie Tailgate at UCONN


Tailgate event at University of Connecticut.

10:00 am - 11:30 am |

We Are Pussy Riot Or Everything is P.R.


In February 2012, five young women walked into the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow to protest the illegal presidential election in Russia. The young activists, who called themselves Pussy Riot, offered up a 48-second punk prayer, shouting, “Virgin Mary, chase Putin away!” before being dragged out of the church by security. After uploading a video of the performance onto YouTube, the women of Pussy Riot were arrested as enemies of church and state. But when Western media reclaimed the story, Pussy Riot’s protest became the greatest piece of performance art in Russian history. This is their story.

Recommended for patrons 18 and above.

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm | Chase Fine Arts Center, Black Box Theatre |

Moab Paddling & camping


We are heading down south near Moab to spend the weekend playing on the Colorado River and hiking in the Moab area. We will enjoy our nights camped in beautiful red rock country while we paddle the rapids of the Moab Daily section and hike along beautiful red rock trails. Participants must be able to swim and prepared for fun on the water. Trip cost includes: food, transportation, campground fees, river equipment, and student leadership.

3:00 pm - 8:00 pm |

Celebrando Nuestras Raíces


The Latinx Cultural Center's "Celebrando Nuestras Raíces" is a big event during Hispanic Heritage Month. It celebrates the Latinx community's contributions and resilience through performances from various Latin American countries.

6:00 pm - 11:00 pm |

Fall Stampede Rodeo

Special Event

Come out and support the USU Rodeo as we host the Fall Stampede!! We will be competing against colleges and universities from Utah, Southern Idaho and Western Colorado. It will be a fun filled night with entertainment and exciting rodeo action from top ranked cowboys and cowgirls across the Rocky Mountain Region. Tickets can be purchased online or at the gate!! Come early to grab dinner before the rodeo

7:00 pm - 9:30 pm |

We Are Pussy Riot Or Everything is P.R.


In February 2012, five young women walked into the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow to protest the illegal presidential election in Russia. The young activists, who called themselves Pussy Riot, offered up a 48-second punk prayer, shouting, “Virgin Mary, chase Putin away!” before being dragged out of the church by security. After uploading a video of the performance onto YouTube, the women of Pussy Riot were arrested as enemies of church and state. But when Western media reclaimed the story, Pussy Riot’s protest became the greatest piece of performance art in Russian history. This is their story.

Recommended for patrons 18 and above.

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm | Chase Fine Arts Center, Black Box Theatre |

An Evening of French Flute Sonatas


"An Evening of French Flute Sonatas featuring Dr. Jeiran Hasan on flute, with guest artists Chilali Hugo (harp) and Dr. Jessica Roderer Gibbons of BYU - Idaho (piano). Repertoire includes compositions by Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges for flute and harp, the first classical composer of African descent; Louise-Marie Simon, a prolific female composer writing under the pen name of Claude Arrieu; Darius Milhaud, one of the most recognized composers of the Les Six; and the infamous Cesar Franck, in a transcription of his tremendous Violin Sonata.

This event will be livestreamed on the CCA YouTube channel."

7:30 pm - 9:00 pm | Russell/Wanlass Performance Hall |

History of Punctuation Poster Exhibition Celebrating National Punctuation Day


September 24 is National Punctuation Day. While punctuation may be viewed as a set of rigid grammar rules, the history of these symbols is fascinating, which was discovered by the students enrolled in Professor Joyce Kinkead’s History of Writing classes. Each student adopted a punctuation mark and then researched its origins. These histories are depicted graphically in colorful posters designed by Molly Etchberger, a graduate of Art and Design. The posters are on display in the Merrill-Cazier Library on the lower floor near Special Collections, September 11-October 9. A public reception with refreshments will be hosted by the Department of English on site on Friday, September 22 at noon.

All Day | USU Libraries |

Clothesline Project - Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Special Event

The Clothesline Project is an annual event to raise awareness about domestic violence during the month of October, National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Clothesline Project is a visual display of shirts with graphic messages and illustrations that have been designed by survivors of interpersonal violence or by someone who loves someone who has been killed. It was created as a way for survivors to share what has happened to them as well as highlight the realities behind statistics of domestic violence that are often overlooked. The project will be displayed across USU Campus at various dining services locations. We encourage you to visit a display this month and visit our resources page should you or someone you know need help.

All Day | Utah State University Logan Campus |

Utah State Women's Soccer vs. Wyoming


Utah State Women's Soccer vs. Wyoming

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Chuck and Gloria Bell Soccer Field |

Moab Paddling & camping


We are heading down south near Moab to spend the weekend playing on the Colorado River and hiking in the Moab area. We will enjoy our nights camped in beautiful red rock country while we paddle the rapids of the Moab Daily section and hike along beautiful red rock trails. Participants must be able to swim and prepared for fun on the water. Trip cost includes: food, transportation, campground fees, river equipment, and student leadership.

3:00 pm - 8:00 pm |




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