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March 26 - April 1, 2023

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"How the Great War Ended: Making Peace on the Middle Eastern Front" with Michelle Tusan

Lecture/Readings | Inclusive Excellence

This talk will explore the peace process between the Allies and the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War. It reveals the human cost of nearly 10 years of uninterrupted war when peace finally came in 1923.

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | Old Main |

CHaSS Road Trip to Lehi


Want to learn about different career paths your CHaSS degree can open for you? Approaching graduation and unsure where to try your next steps? You’ve got the knowledge and the skills to thrive in any industry; meet our alumni and visit their workplaces to get tips on how! On Friday, March 31st, join us for a day trip to Lehi for lunch and two alumni-hosted company visits at Weave Communications (Rachael Fresh, Communication Studies 2018) and Visa International (Kevin White, Journalism & Spanish 1991). Road Trips are free and open to all undergraduate and graduate CHaSS students—email brittney.allen@usu.edu to reserve your spot today!

All Day |

Family First Saturday: Fishing


Come to the Museum of Anthropology for our Family First Saturday. Learn about fishing through time and around the world with crafts and activities for children of all ages!

10:00 am - 2:00 pm | Old Main |



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