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February 25 - March 2, 2024

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Drones: Where Can They Take You? Presentation by Shalyn Drake


The Library & Learning Commons (LLC) is proud to welcome Shalyn Drake, Lecturer
in the Department of Aviation Technology, to speak about drones, responsible usage, and its applications across numerous fields. Drake will speak of the still emerging technology as it can apply to fields such as agriculture, welding, mining, the inspection of infrastructure, and natural resource management.

The event will take place in the LLC and there will be time for Q&A with the speaker afterwards along with, weather permitting, a drone demonstration. Refreshments will also be served!

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Utah State University Eastern Campus |

Colorblind Universities and the Future of Higher Education


In June 2023, the United States Supreme Court eliminated race-based affirmative action at colleges and universities – a decades-long battle and an extension of the debate over diversity, equity, and inclusion on campuses across the country. So, where does the relationship between race and higher education go from here? In "Colorblind Universities and the Future of Higher Education," Dr. Brandon James Render provides historical context for the recent Supreme Court decision and the deeper implications it has for colleges and universities beyond admissions. In the process, he illuminates how students, faculty, and administrators have responded to overcome similar assaults on accessibility, equity, and justice

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Old Main |

Rural Utah at a Crossroads Talk with Gregory E. Smoak


Join historian Greg Smoak (state scholar for the Crossroads exhibition) on an exploration of the tensions between the ideals and realities of life in rural Utah as change – past and present – affects our communities. This presentation will encourage thinking and conversations about rural Utah and our own community. Snacks provided. Door Prizes.

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Utah State University Eastern Campus |




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