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January 23 - 29, 2022

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Spiritual Wellness Presentation

Panel Discussion/Presentation

At its core, spiritual well-being is about feeling “connected” with something bigger or outside of ourselves that gives our lives a sense of meaning, purpose, and peace. While it’s not necessarily about religion (although for many, it is), this sense of “wholeness” goes hand in hand with feeling heard or seen. But feeling deeply appreciated for all of who you are can be hard when religious differences get in the way! In this mini-workshop, we will explore how to bust the religious divides on campus while cultivating skills for enhancing spiritual well-being. We’ll do this through a fun activity that will help you make new friends while learning to bridge religious differences in meaningful ways. Zoom Registration: https://usu-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kde6uqDgiG9crr_c1F6Jm2GTCWncv8gpD

11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Salary Negotiation for Women: The Latest Research & Cutting-Edge Best Practices

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Women face unique challenges when it comes to negotiating. Research continues to confirm that the gender wage gap persists even when taking into consideration job level, differences in preferences, and family leave. Gender differences in salary negotiations could be one of several determinants of perpetual gender differences in labor market outcomes. Yet, this gap is multi-dimensional and complex.

Three internationally known scholars will share their research on salary negotiation for women as it relates to gender differences and challenges. They will also offer research-based skills, tools, and strategies that will not only assist women in negotiating more effectively but will also benefit managers and leaders who are focused on addressing Utah’s vast talent shortage by recruiting and retaining more women employees.

Register to attend.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Dean's Forum

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Come to an open forum/discussion with Dean of the College of Engineering. Food will be provided afterwards.

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm | Engineering Building |

Open Educational Resources Grant Webinar

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Register for our OER Development Webinar taking place on January 26th from 12-1 pm. This will be a great opportunity to hear from past grant recipients who adopted, adapted, and created OER. It will also be a great chance to meet USU Libraries’ OER Team, and learn how to incorporate OER into your Canvas course from USU Instructional Designers. Please reach out to oer@usu.edu with any questions, or to schedule a preliminary consultation. Register at https://usu-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkd-mvpj8vHN2ym25M5laj-ZFZPSAMUS4a

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Entrepreneur Leadership Series: Tessa White

Panel Discussion/Presentation

This week’s speaker is Tessa White, who is the founder of The Job Doctor, a practice dedicated to helping individuals increase their promotability and work success. She is a former Fortune 50 executive, a 20-year expert in human resources, has been named by Disruptors magazine as one of the Top Female Entrepreneurs to watch in 2021, and by USA Today as one of the top speakers to watch in 2022. She is frequently found in the Wall Street Journal, and CNN Business and her book on finding workplace satisfaction will be published by Harper Collins in 2022.

See the full Entrepreneur Leadership 2022 schedule.

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Eccles Conference Center Auditorium |

Laughter Seminar

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Did you know that stress can impact your ability to organize, focus, and remember? Laughter is a natural stress management tool we can all use to increase our productivity and performance. Laughing is one of the best ways to exercise your body and your mind. Even 30 minutes of laughter has been shown to increase aerobic capacity, lower heart rate, lower blood pressure, and increase positive emotions. Stress releases hormones (adrenaline & cortisol) that exacerbate conditions like depression and anxiety; laughter releases hormones (dopamine & serotonin) that support mental health and well-being. Come laugh and destress. Join us in person at the Eccles Conference Center 205/207 or register for our virtual presentation: https://usu-edu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_F0wOVTJhSlK4z0DutbL7yA

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Eccles Conference Center |

Leadership Forum: Colonel Jenise M. Carroll

Panel Discussion/Presentation | Focused Friday

Join us for a conversation with Colonel Jenise M. Carroll, Commander of the 75th Air Base Wing at Hill Air Force Base. The conversation will be hosted by Dr. Susan Madsen, Director of the Utah Women & Leadership Project, and Lianne Wappett, DAIS lecturer and WIBA Advisor.

10:30 am - 11:30 am | Huntsman Hall |

CHaSS Alumni Lunch Series

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The CHaSS Alumni Lunch Series has gone online! Join us for Digital Take-Out as we discuss careers with esteemed alumni. Listen in and participate by asking questions during the live event on Zoom. On Friday, January 28, we'll feature three alumni working in academia. Considering turning the college experience into a life-long career? Join us as we hear from Josh Anderson (MA American Studies ’13), Assistant Professor of English, University of Saint Joseph; Sky Anderson (BA Speech Communication ’10), Assistant Professor of Digital Media Arts, Universityof St. Thomas; and Jennifer Holland (MA History 2006), Associate Professor of History, University of Oklahoma. We’ll ask our panelists to share their experiences with graduate school and finding their way to a coveted job in academia. Come hear directly from CHaSS alumni who have made it happen. Listen in and participate by asking questions during the live Zoom event on January 28 at 12:30pm! All are welcome. Register here: https://usu-edu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_n6gKx2lgRiGZb-cXtwrz0Q

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Science Unwrapped - Robots in a Human World

Panel Discussion/Presentation | Science Unwrapped

Inquiring minds of all ages are invited to Science Unwrapped, the public outreach program of USU's College of Science. Featured speaker is USU computer scientist Mario Harper, who presents "Hard Choices: Being a Robot in a Human World" at 7 pm in the Emert Auditorium (ESLC 130) of the Eccles Science Learning Center on USU's Logan campus. Admission is free. Dr. Harper's talk will be recorded and posted on Science Unwrapped's website following the talk: www.usu.edu/science/unwrapped

Due to pandemic restrictions, hands-on learning activities following the talk will not be offered in-person at this time. We encourage our guests to visit our website for video learning activities: https://www.usu.edu/unwrapped/learning-activities/index

Please note: Pandemic conditions can change quickly. In-person gatherings may have to pivot to virtual presentations with little notice. Please check Science Unwrapped's website regularly for updates: www.usu.edu/science/unwrapped

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm | Eccles Science Learning Center Auditorium |




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