Suplemental Instruction (SI)

Learning Beyond the Lecture


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Supplemental Instruction Course List

List of classes with SI and the SI leader assigned to the course

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Contact us

Samantha Crockett / Student Coordinator

What is SI?

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a peer academic support program offered to students that are registered for breadth education courses. This is a service that the student has already paid for through their tuition and fees. 

SI review sessions are typically twice a week, each lasting for 1-hour. SI leaders also hold 2-hour super sessions to help students prepare for exams and larger assignments.  

Benefits of SI

Joining many other higher education institutions across the nation, USU's Supplemental Instruction program is dedicated to developing high-quality sessions facilitated by passionate and trained peer leaders who want to help others succeed.  

Many Supplemental Instruction participants experience greater academic performance and connection to faculty and staff, regardless of age, educational background, or student status. Student academic performance is improved by combining “what to learn“ with “how to learn.” Supplemental Instruction, and other introductory learning and study skills mentoring programs, can increase first-year student retention rates by 10% (Hanover Research, 2014). View our annual report.

Program Outcomes

Acknowledging USU's mission that academics come first and incorporating the goals of general education, participants of SI will be able to relate, apply, implement, and demonstrate strategies and competencies...

  • Within the context of their specific breadth education courses
  • To other coursework and beyond
  • Collaboratively with peers
  • Proactively, prior to academic difficulties
Implemented at Utah State in 1987, SI is an international academic support model developed in 1973 by the University of Missouri–Kansas City.

SI Core Competencies

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Self-management is an essential component of social emotional learning. Self-management is the ability to set and work toward personal and academic goals without significant deviation (Landmark School Outreach, 2020).

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Employers expect that prospective hires with an undergraduate college degree not only have expertise in their discipline, but strong communication skills as well. Executives rank communication skills as the second most important soft skill desired (NACTA, 2015).

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Self and peer assessment are important skills for professional development and lifelong learning. Self-assessment increases confidence, responsibility, and critical thinking (Papanthymou and Darra, 2018)


Think Critically

Studies have shown Inquiry-Based Learning can improve student learning outcomes including academic performance, critical thinking, and motivation (UNC at Charlotte, 2017).

Student Testimonials