Pasifika Student Union (PSU)

The Pasifika Student Union of Utah State University is a student-driven organization dedicated to sharing the Pasifika culture with the USU campus and surrounding communities, bridging the gap between Pasifikas and higher education, and providing leadership for the Pasifika community.

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Vice President  
Public Relations  


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Club Constitution


Section 1

The official name of this organization shall be the “Pasifika Student Union” (P.S.U.).

Section 2

The club shall operate as a non-profit organization.

Section 3

The club shall abide by the applicable rules and policies of Utah State University pertaining to the student organizations.

Article I - Mission of PSU

Pasifika Student Union is an organization to promote the Pasifika culture and awareness at Utah State University and the surrounding community. Its purpose is to provide social and academic support and awareness for Pasifikas with Associated Students of USU (USUSA), administrators, and educators at USU. PSU exists to promote the equal rights of Pasifika students as well as all minorities. We work to educate ourselves about all cultures, in turn, we seek to educate others about our culture. PSU membership is extended to all individuals.

Article II - Budget

PSU is provided with $1,125 to begin each academic school year. In the event that any organization accrues a profit or deficit from a preceding year, that amount will be calculated into the annual funding base of $1,125.

Article III - Membership

  1. A PSU Club member is a member of the community who agrees with the Mission Statement and attends at least half of all PSU meetings and functions. Membership is open to all without regard to race, creed, sex, national origin, handicap or religion.
  2. If there should ever arise a situation in which a club member's status is in question due to actions that are not in line with PSU's mission, the Executive Council will review the case and through a majority vote will decide the individual's current membership status.
  3. Recruitment of membership shall take place year round.

Article IV - Executive Officer Expectations

  1. Attend all executive club meetings and at least half of club events and activities meetings. Club officer must notify executive council 1 week prior to a missed absence unless it is an emergency. Preferably during an executive council meeting.
  2. Assist in planning and organizing of all PSU functions and meetings.
  3. Establish goals and objectives at the beginning of Fall Semester.
  4. Actively support other PSU officers’ club duties and responsibilities.
  5. Attend IC Officer Training at the beginning of Fall Semester.
  6. Participate in recruiting effort throughout the year.
  7. Contribute in outreach efforts when there are requests from the university and the community.
  8. Support IC programs and other IC club events whenever possible. PSU can help advertise, volunteer, and/or attend events to support unity among other IC clubs.
  9. Participate in at least one dance performance for their annual Luau event.
  10. Uphold the PSU Mission Statement. To attend all PSU meetings and functions unless otherwise arranged.

Article V - Executive Club Officers Roles & Responsibilities

  1. Advisor & PSU Student Intern: PSU will have an advisor and intern, appointed by the Inclusion Center Director, whose responsibilities will be:
    1. To act as a resource person to PSU Club
    2. To assist PSU Club officers in seeking money for PSU activities/events
    3. To work with and advise PSU officers
    4. To advise the PSU President on administrative affairs pertaining to University policies
  2. President:
    1. To act as official spokesperson for PSU
    2. To become P-Card trained at the beginning of Fall Semester in order to assist treasurer in purchasing items for club events and activities
    3. To work directly with PSU Advisor, Director of Inclusion Center, USUSA officials, and other administrative offices of USU
    4. To authorize budget and allocation of money
    5. To appoint committees as deemed necessary
    6. To assemble all PSU members
    7. To call and establish date of nominating future officers in the Spring Term
    8. To delegate authority and responsibility to other PSU officers as needed
    9. To call meetings as he/she deems necessary or as per request of other PSU officers and/or members.
    10. If the president/vice president cannot attend a club activity/event, they must delegate an officer to oversee the activity
    11. Contribute to club’s history by emailing club event and activity pictures to PR and/or Secretary to be uploaded to PSU Box folder.
  3. Vice President:
    1. To fill in a Presidential vacancy in case of absence, resignation, illness, or death
    2. To assist the President in all club decisions
    3. To assist the President in his/her duties
    4. If the president/vice president cannot attend a club activity/event, they must delegate an officer to oversee the activity
    5. To become P-Card trained at the beginning of Fall Semester in order to assist treasurer in purchasing items for club events and activities
    6. Contribute to club’s history by emailing club event and activity pictures to PR and/or Secretary to be uploaded to PSU Box folder.
    7. Spearhead educational and community outreach opportunities and events through maintenance of the PSU Qualtrics outreach survey.
    8. Fill out and submit Post-Event forms after all major events and activities.
  4. Secretary:
    1. To take minutes and roll at each PSU executive meeting and upload it to PSU Box/Trello
    2. To send out reminders to Executive Council and PSU club members whenever necessary.
    3. To collect roll at PSU club meetings and turn in a weekly copy to Inclusion Center
    4. Maintain the email account for the club by corresponding back and forth with specific individuals as well as updating executive club members about emails being sent to the club.
    5. Maintain PSU Club list serve by adding and removing student email addresses.
    6. Fill out the required Post Event forms with the help of club officers during an executive meeting.
    7. Organize PSU club history of meetings, activities, accomplishments, and etc. with PR Officer on PSU Box folder.
  5. Treasurer:
    1. To become P-Card trained at the beginning of Fall Semester in order to purchase items for club events and activities.
    2. To balance the PSU Budget Work Book for the entire school year on PSU Box folder as well as keep a detailed record of receipts and other financial documents.
    3. To make available updated finance records upon the request of other PSU officers
    4. To report PSU finances monthly to the President and Advisor
    5. To collaborate and prepare all budget proposals for large events and activities with President, Vice President, and Advisor
    6. To prepare an end of school year financial progress report in the Spring Term
    7. Contribute to club’s history by emailing club event and activity pictures to PR and/or Secretary to be uploaded to PSU Box folder
  6. Public Relations:
    1. To work with the Statesman and other media in publication of articles, announcements, advertisement, editorial rebuttals, etc.
    2. To assist PSU officers and members in advertisement of functions
    3. Maintain a list of Pasifika organizations that exist in Utah
    4. Handle and maintain PSU social media accounts.
    5. Assist Secretary in maintaining the email account for the club by corresponding back and forth with specific individuals as well as updating executive club members about emails being sent to the club.
    6. Organize PSU club history of meetings, activities, accomplishments, and etc. with Secretary on PSU Box folder.
    7. Help PSU Club coordinate details for outreach requests from the university and the community.
  7. Executive Officers:
    1. To play a supporting role in helping other club officers with their duties and responsibilities, as needed
    2. To take greater roles appointed to them by executive council in times PSU holds large events and activities
    3. To assist the recruitment officer in outreach efforts in educating the council and the community about Pasifika Culture as well as other cultures
    4. Provide assistance to executive council before, during, and after weekly club meetings.
    5. Contribute to club’s history by emailing club event and activity pictures to PR and/or Secretary to be uploaded to PSU Box folder

Article VI - Establishment of Officers

  1. The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations, and Executive Officers shall be nominated by the previous executive council based on specific requirements and gaining majority vote. Elected officers will take office in the Fall.
  2. In the event that an executive office is vacant, the existing Executive Council will determine if it is necessary that the position(s) be filled. Once it has been decided by the Council, the Council will then nominate and vote on the nominee(s). Further, in the event that an Executive Council does not exist, the Inclusion Center will appoint the President. The President will then follow the same procedure to fill the executive offices that are vacant.

Article VII - PSU Meeting Procedures

  1. Executive and PSU Club meetings will be held weekly unless there is a holiday or a planned event falls through.
  2. Club meetings will follow a formal procedure where in the PSU President and Secretary form an agenda to discuss business items and event opportunities with the executive council and the club prior to proceeding to planned activities.
  3. Meeting times can be rescheduled due to executive council’s availability to attend a scheduled meeting.
  4. Anyone is welcome to attend PSU club meetings.

Article VIII - Nominating Officers

  1. General Eligibility Rules:
    1. A person must identify with Article III, Section I and understand and support the promotion of Pasifika culture and must also have been a member for two consecutive semesters of the present academic year, and be a student of USU to run for and hold the office of President or Vice-President.
    2. A person must have one semester of membership and be a student of USU to run for and hold Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations or Executive Officer positions. If a person does not have 1 semester of membership prior to being nominated, the person must have previous experience in holding leadership positions in other clubs and organizations. This person must also have great interest in upholding the PSU mission statement.
    3. In order to be eligible for the positions, individuals must maintain at least 12 credit hours and earn a 2.5 GPA per semester.
  2. Nominations:
    1. Nominations will take place during a PSU executive meeting
    2. Any PSU executive officer, may nominate himself/herself or another PSU club member. Another officer must second the nomination in order for the name to be added to the list of nominations.
    3. Nominated, eligible candidates for office must accept the nomination and submit a speech to the executive council.
    4. The nominating of names must take place at an executive council meeting one week prior to elections.
  3. Nominating Candidate Procedures:
    1. Only individuals who have been nominated will have their names on the ballot.
    2. All nominated individuals must be present at the executive council meeting the day and time of the election takes place.
    3. For contest with more than one candidate:
      1. The candidate earning the greatest number of votes is elected
      2. In the case of a tie, the top two vote-getters shall participate in run-off elections until a candidate is elected
    4. For a contest with only one candidate, the individual who has been nominated will automatically be elected.
    5. At least one member of the executive council must either be of Pasifika decent, have had a long-term residence on a Pasifika island, or a strong knowledge and understanding of Pasifika culture.
  4. Voting Procedures:
    1. The election will take place on the date(s) which are to be set by the executive council.
    2. The PSU Student Intern and Advisor will have the list of nominees
    3. Current executive council will be given one ballot and may only vote once
    4. After the one vote, the ballot is final
  5. Election Results:
    1. All election results will be formally prepared and submitted to the PSU Student Intern and Advisor
    2. Election results will otherwise remain secret until they are posted
    3. Results will be posted the day after elections at the Inclusion Center lounge. Nominees will be notified of the election results.

Article IX - Impeachment and Resignation of Officers

  1. Resignation:
    1. An officer has the opportunity to resign at any given time for any reason
    2. The officer must submit a formal resignation in writing to the PSU Advisor, the PSU President, and the PSU general body
    3. After the resignation has been submitted, it is final
    4. The letter will be filed and documented
    5. The former officer shall not be excluded from full membership of PSU after his/her resignation from office
  2. Impeachment:
    1. If an officer does not fulfill his/her duties as outlined by this constitution, or if the membership is extremely dissatisfied with an officer, a club member or officer must submit a written Intention to Impeach, which includes reasons for this action, at a PSU executive meeting.
      1. If another executive officer or club member feels extremely dissatisfied with another officer’s actions or feels that the specific officer is not fulling their duties, we ask that they schedule an appointment with the PSU Advisor to discuss the matter before taking actions to impeach the individual from office.
    2. The intention must be seconded and then accepted by a majority vote of council members present
    3. The officer who is being considered for impeachment will have an opportunity to resign or defend his/her position in the following PSU meeting
    4. After the officer is given this opportunity, the executive council present will vote for or against the impeachment. A two-thirds majority of present voting council members, is needed for impeachment

Article X - Reviewing and Amending the Constitution

  1. Review of the Constitution
    1. Current Executive Council must read and review the constitution at the end of Spring Term
    2. The new Executive Council must read and review the constitution at the beginning of Fall term to familiarize themselves with the mission of the Club as well as understand their personal roles as club officers.
  2. Amendments to this Constitution must be:
    1. Submitted to the President or discussed at an executive meeting.
    2. Passed by a two-thirds majority of officers and ratified by the majority of the council members present at the time of voting