FAQs & Contact Information

Below are listed some questions you may have about the Writing Fellows program. If there are any other questions that you have, or items that you feel need to be added to the list, please leave a reply in the "Contact Us" box.

How Do I Get Help from a Writing Fellow?

Writing Fellows are available for help in only those classes that instructors have requested their assistance. If you are a student in a course that does not use WFs and you would like help with your writing, the on-campus Writing Center can help.

What should I expect when I meet with my Writing Fellow?

Students turn in their papers to the WFs and sign up for a twenty- to thirty-minute conference with the WF before the final draft is due to the professor. Before the conference, the WF reviews the paper, ensures it meets assignment criteria, provides readerly feedback, and offers revision suggestions. The student receives the paper back from the WF at the conference. This reviewed document is then revised into a final draft by the student for submission.

How Can I Become a Writing Fellow?

If you are interested in becoming a WF, you must have a professor or current WF who is familiar with your writing skills nominate you for the program via the program Director. You must also have a minimum of a 3.2 GPA. You will then be invited to complete the online application form, submit a critique of the sample Bottle Law essay, and sign a proof of citizenship form. Your application will be reviewed and, if selected, the program Director will contact you for an interview.

How Much do Writing Fellows Get Paid?

WFs receive a $750 stipend for their services each semester for approximately 50 hours of work. These services include reading and commenting on papers, attending meetings, and counseling two to three times with approximately fifteen students over the course of the semester. Optional opportunities for working in two classes occasionally arise, in which case compensation is doubled.

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