Apply to be a Writing Fellow

Before Applying

Take time to familiarize yourself with the program and read the requirements and responsibilities of a Writing Fellow. See "Student Requirements" in the drop-down menu under the Students tab.

Application Process

The Writing Fellows Program is highly selective. Read this information carefully to be sure your application includes all the required information. If you have any questions, email the Writing Fellows Director, Dr. Lezlie Christensen-Branum, at

Step 1: Provide Basic Information

Complete the Application form below.

Step 2: Draft and Upload Your Supporting Documents

Drag and drop the following documents into the Box upload area. Name the document Lastname_Firstname_Name of document, before uploading. Files may be submitted as a .pdf or as .docx

  • Click on the "Bottle Law Essay" link and read both the assignment description given by the professor and the brief sample student essay. Then provide feedback for the "student" as if you were a Writing Fellow. Go beyond simple editorial corrections, as Writing Fellows are not editors. Instead, focus on the ways in which the essay does/does not align with the assignment's requirements, and offer the writer your advice for improvement.
  • Fill out the Proof of Citizenship form. 
  • Bottle Law Essay
  • Proof of Citizenship Form


Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Upload Your Supporting Documents